Your Active Voice
Take our survey for the Lincolnshire sport and physical activity sector
Take our survey for the Lincolnshire sport and physical activity sector
Active Lincolnshire is committed to providing opportunities for everyone in Lincolnshire to be active every day. We work with partners to address inequalities and inactivity, responding to the needs of people and places.
As advocates for the positive power that physical activity has on everyone’s lives, we work in partnership to improve understanding, influence change, and tackle the challenge of inactivity.
Our Knowledge Hub is the core of our website. Here you’ll find our guidance, advice, insight and support in all areas of physical activity and sport.
Want to get involved with us? We depend on your collaboration to create and influence meaningful change. Find out how you can help Lincolnshire move more.
We passionately believe that Lincolnshire should be a place where everyone has the opportunity to be physically active – every single day.
As champions for the positive power that sports and physical activity have on the lives of people of all ages and abilities, we’re here to support you in getting people to be more active, more often.
Active Lincolnshire works with partners to address inequalities and the challenge of inactivity across Lincolnshire. Using audience led engagement, research and insight we deliver, lead, support, fund and connect according to the need of local communities. We deliver the Sport England national 'Uniting the Movement' strategy in Lincolnshire.
Discover new sports, get tips on how to be more active & find activities to take part in near you with our Activity Finder, at Let's Move Lincolnshire.
Our place based approach to working will help create lasting change in communities, making sport & physical activity accessible for everyone.
The county’s 10-year plan to support everyone in Lincolnshire to be more active is a shared commitment to tackling the challenge of inactivity, with a focus on helping people who might find it difficult to access and engage with opportunities.
Find out more about local and national campaign to get involved with and encourage people to move more.
Through insight, guidance and training we support physical activity providers to 'build back better' from Covid and provide accessible opportunities to be active.
Active Lincolnshire works with schools to ensure children are reaching the recommended 60 minutes of activity a day, giving every child the chance to discover the joy of physical activity.
We’re here to make accessing the right information easy. That’s why we’ve curated all our guidance, insight and support into one handy Knowledge Hub.
Knowledge HubOur work depends on collaboration. Find out how you can get involved with Active Lincolnshire through funding, jobs, volunteering, courses and events.
Get Involved
Let’s Move Lincolnshire is the countywide blueprint for a more active county. It’s a partnership open to everyone who believes in the positive power of being active.
We have launched a refreshed Let’s Move strategy as we recover from Covid and respond to Uniting the Movement.
Alongside this the Let's Move Lincolnshire website features an activity finder allowing Lincolnshire residents to easily search for activities local to them. We are encouraging clubs and activity providers to to share their activities on the website.
Sign up to our newsletter to receive monthly updates about sport and physical activity related opportunities, updates and insight.
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